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Ortega y Gasset, J. (2010).  哲學是什麼?.
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Parfit, D. (2013).  On What Matters. 592.
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Paulsen, R. (2022).  焦慮世代.
Peirce, C. S. (1998).  Chance, Love, and Logic : Philosophical Essays.
Phillips, C., & 菲利普斯 克里斯托弗. (2017).  蘇格拉底咖啡館.
Piaget, J., & 皮亞傑 尚. (2018).  結構主義.
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Plato, P. (2016).  Theaetetus.
Plato, P. (2005).  柏拉圖文藝對話錄.
Plato, P. (2014).  柏拉圖理想國.
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Plato, P. (2016).  泰鄂提得斯.
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Plato, P. (2017).  論美論愛:柏拉圖《費德羅篇》譯註.
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Pojman, L. (1999).  Life and Death: Grappling with the Moral Dilemmas of Our Time.
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Powers, Jr., W. (2023).  像法律人一樣思考.
Pradeu, T. (2019).  Philosophy of Immunology. Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 1118,
Precht, R. David, 普列希特 理察.大衛., & 林 宏濤. (2012).  無私的藝術.
Precht, R. David, & 普列希特 理察.大衛. (2010).  我是誰. Knowledge.
Precht, R. David, 普列希特 理察.大衛., & 闕 旭玲. (2011).  愛情的哲學.
