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Russell, L. (2023).  邪惡.
Russell, B. (1998).  Mortals and Others: Bertrand Russell's American Essays, 1931-1935, Volume 2.
Russell, B. (2001).  The Problems of Philosophy.
Russell, B. (2004).  What I Believe.
Russell, B. (1905).  On Denoting. Mind. 14, 479–493.
Russell, B. (2022).  幸福之路.
Runciman, D. (2022).  政治哲學的12堂Podcast.
Runciman, D. (2023).  民主會怎麼結束.
RUDNER, RICHARD. S. (1966).  Philosophy of Social Science.
Royal, B. (2023).  練好邏輯的第一堂課.
Rousseau, J-J., & 盧 梭. (2014).  社會契約論.
Rousseau, J-J., & 盧梭 (2013).  愛彌兒.
Rousseau, J-J., & 盧 梭. (2015).  德行墮落與不平等的起源. 聯經經典.
Ross, W. David, & 大衛·羅斯 威廉. (2022).  亞里斯多德與《形上學》.
Rosenberg, A. (2009).  科學哲學的論證.
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Rooney, A. (2024).  像哲學家一樣思考.
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Rodi-Risberg, M. (2010).  Writing Trauma, Writing Time and Space: Jane Smiley's A Thousand Acres and the Lear Group of Father-daughter Incest Narratives. Universitas Wasaensis. 5,
Robson, D. (2020).  為什麼聰明人會做蠢事?.
Roberts, R. (2023).  你可以不必理性,做出人生最好決定.
Robert, B. (2016).  法國高中生哲學讀本1:政府是人民的主人還是僕人? 探討政治的哲學之路.
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Robert, B. (2016).  法國高中生哲學讀本2:人能自主選擇而負擔道德責任嗎?──思考道德的哲學之路.
Rist, J. Michael (2010).  Stoic Philosophy.
Ringer, F., & 簡 惠美. (2013).  韋伯學思路:學術作為一種志業.
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Rensmann, L., & Gandesha S. (2012).  Arendt and Adorno: political and philosophical investigations.
