Same-sex marriage : the moral and legal debate | 哲學新媒體


Same-sex marriage : the moral and legal debate

  • 難度
    作者(群): Baird, Robert M.; Rosenbaum, Stuart E.
    出版社: Prometheus Books
    ISBN: 1591022746
    出版年份: 2004
  • 2nd ed. The issue of same-sex marriage has attracted the attention of the nation and has become one of the most heated social controversies. This completely revised and updated second edition of "Same-Sex Marriage" presents a balanced selection of the latest, the most diverse, and the most clearly argued positions advocated by academics, politicians, journalists, attorneys, judges, and activists.

    Introduction – pt. I. The Massachusetts decision and reactions. Goodridge v. Massachusetts Department of Public Health / Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ; Toward a more perfect union / David J. Garrow ; A call for a constitutional amendment protecting marriage / President George W. Bush ; Bush's case for same-sex marriage / Jonathan Rauch ; How good is Goodridge? An analysis of Goodridge v. Department of Public Health / Glenn T. Stanton ; The road to gay marriage / New York Times editorial ; Time for a new Boston Tea Party / Pat Buchanan ; The power of marriage / David Brooks ; Why the "M" word matters to me / Andrew Sullivan ; Marriage: mix and match / Nicholas Kristof ; The bells are ringing ... marriage, marriage, everywhere / John O'Sullivan ; "Sanctity" and sanctimony / Jennifer Black ; No court ruling can change the fact that marriage is about one man and one woman / Ron Crews ; Weddings once forbidden: obstacles to gay marriage evoke mixed-marriage bans / Derrick Z. Jackson ; The abolition of sex don't worry–only in the law. Only! / John Derbyshire – pt. II. The emotional dimensions of the debate. Gay marriage takes heart: one couple's story / Chivas Sandage ; A (personal) essay on same-sex marriage / Barbara J. Cox ; Adam and Eve, not Adam and Henry / Jeffrey Hart ; A lesbian family / Lindsy Van Gelder ; I left my husband for the woman I love / Jane Doe ; Counseling same-sex couples / Douglas Carl ; I have anguished / Ed Fallon. pt. III. The philosophical arguments. The morality of homosexual marriage / Daniel Maguire ; Contra same-sex marriage / Jeff Jordan ; Homosexuality and marriage / John B. Cobb Jr. ; The marriage amendment / The editors, First things ; Same-sex marriage: the theologies can vary / Dudley Rose ; A more perfect union: reservations about gay marriage / Dennis O'Brien ; Virtually normal / Andrew Sullivan ; The marrying kind / Elizabeth Kristol ; Embodiment, care ethics, and the same-sex marriage controversy / Maurice Hamington ; Gay marriage–and marriage / Sam Shulman ; Bless the tie that binds: a Puritan-covenant case for same-sex marriage / Dwight J. Penas ; Since when is marriage a path to liberation? / Paula L. Ettelbrick ; The libertarian question: incest, homosexuality, and adultery / Stanley Kurtz ; Making the family functional: the case for same-sex marriage / Larry A. Hickman ; A Christian case for same-sex marriage / Jack McKinney – Appendixes. 1. The text of the Defense of Marriage Act ; 2. Gay marriages in San Francisco: Mayor Gavin Newsom's letter to the County Clerk / Gavin Newsom ; 3. Baehr v. Lewin: an edited version of the 1993 Hawaii Supreme Court decision and report of the Hawaii Commission on Sexual Orientation and the Law.