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Reichenbach, H. (1994).  科學的哲學之興起.
Regan, T., & 湯姆 雷根. (2010).  動物權利研究.
Regan, T. (1985).  The Case for Animal Rights.
Rawls, J. (2005).  萬民法.
Rawls, J. (1999).  A theory of justice.
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Rancière, J. (2011).  Althusser's Lesson.
Rancière, J. (1999).  Dis-agreement : politics and philosophy.
Rajack-Talley, T. (2017).  Living Racism Through the Barrel of the Book. Lexington Books.
Rabaté, J-M. (2018).  After Derrida : literature, theory and criticism in the twenty-first century.
Quine, W. Van Orman (1960).  Word and Object.
Quine, W. V. (1957).  The Scope and Language of Science. The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science. 8(29), 
Putnam, H., & De Caro M. (2016).  Naturalism, Realism, and Normativity. 248.
Putnam, R. D., 李 宗義., & 許 雅淑. (2016).  階級世代:窮小孩與富小孩的機會不平等.
Prideaux, S. (2024).  我是炸藥:尼采傳.
Precht, R. David, 普列希特 理察.大衛., & 闕 旭玲. (2011).  愛情的哲學.
Precht, R. David (2022).  我是誰.
Precht, R. David, 普列希特 理察.大衛., & 林 宏濤. (2012).  無私的藝術.
Precht, R. David, & 普列希特 理察.大衛. (2010).  我是誰. Knowledge.
Pradeu, T. (2019).  Philosophy of Immunology. Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 1118,
Powers, Jr., W. (2023).  像法律人一樣思考.
Posner, R. A. (1994).  Sex and Reason.
Pojman, L. (1999).  Life and Death: Grappling with the Moral Dilemmas of Our Time.
Pluckrose, H., & Lindsay J. (2020).  Cynical Theories.
Plato, P., & 柏 拉圖. (2003).  柏拉圖全集.
Plato, P. (2016).  Theaetetus.
Plato, P. (2016).  泰鄂提得斯.
Plato, P. (2005).  柏拉圖文藝對話錄.
Plato, P. (2023).  柏拉圖 巴曼尼得斯篇.
