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Shusterman, R. (1992).  Pragmatist Aesthetics: Living Beauty, Rethinking Art.
Siderits, M., & Katsura S. (2013).  Nagarjuna's Middle Way.
Singer, P. (2011).  Practical Ethics.
Singer, P., & 彼得 辛格. (1996).  動物解放.
Singer, P. (2005).  In defense of Animals.
Singer, P. (2009).  Animal Liberation : The Definitive Classic of the Animal Movement.
Singer, P. (2015).  The Most Good You Can Do: How Effective Altruism Is Changing Ideas About Living Ethically. Castle Lectures Series. 192.
Sinnott-Armstrong, W., & 西諾—阿姆斯壯 華特. (2019).  再思考.
Smith, A., & 亞當 史斯密. (2000).  國富論. 財經系列.
Sokolowski, R. (2004).  現象學十四講.
Solomon, R. C., & Higgins K. M. (2023).  給所有人的世界哲學史.
Sontag, S., & 桑塔格 蘇珊. (2010).  論攝影.
Spivak, G. Chakravort (2006).  後殖民理性批判.
Stangroom, J., & 史坦葛倫 傑瑞米. (2022).  愛因斯坦的經典謎題.
Stasavage, D. (2023).  民主的擂台.
Steiner, C. (2014).  演算法統治世界.
Stephan, A., & Heurck J. (2000).  "Communazis": FBI Surveillance of German Emigré Writers.
Stiegler, B. (2010).  技術與時間2:迷失方向.
Stolorow, R. D., & Atwood G. E. (2023).  現象學的力量.
Strauss, L. (2005).  Natural Right and History.
Strawson, P. Fredrick, & 彼得 弗列得瑞克. 史陶生 (2016).  個體論:一本描述性形上學的論文.
Stumpf, S. Enoch, & Fieser J. (2014).  西方哲學史:從蘇格拉底到沙特及其後.
Sullivan, M. (2018).  Time Biases.
Surprenant, C. W. (2014).  Kant and the Cultivation of Virtue.
Svendsen, L. Fr. H. (2024).  孤獨的哲學.
Svendsen, L. Fr. H. (2024).  謊言的哲學.
Symonides, J. (2009).  人權的概念與標準.
Taleb, N. Nicholas (2018).  不對稱陷阱.
Taylor, C. (1992).  The ethics of authenticity.
Teichman, J., & Evans K. C. (2010).  哲學的二十六堂課.
