文獻資料庫 | 哲學新媒體


Export 1541 results:
Havel, V. (1990).  The Power of the powerless : citizens against the state in central-eastern Europe.
Thomson, J. (1990).  The Realm of Rights.
Adler, M. J. (1990).  Reforming Education.
Arendt, H. (1990).  On Revolution.
佛洛伊德, 西格蒙德. (1990).  性學三論:愛情心理學.
Nietzsche, F., & 尼采 弗里德里希. (1990).  悲劇的誕生. 新潮文庫.
亞瑟, 叔本華., & 劉 大悲. (1990).  意志與表象的世界. 新潮文庫.
羅哲斯, 卡爾., & Rogers C. (1990).  成為一個人: 一個治療者對心理學的觀點.
Descartes, R., & 笛卡兒 勒內. (1990).  我思故我在.
孫, 振青. (1990).  笛卡兒. 197.
康德, 伊曼努. (1990).  道德底形上學之基礎.
Deleuze, G. (1989).  Cinema 2: the Time-Image.
Kierkegaard, S., Poole R., & Stangerup H. (1989).  A Kierkegaard reader : texts and narratives.
Kymlicka, W. (1989).  Liberalism, community, and culture. 280.
Sartre, J-P. (1989).  No exit, and three other plays. 275.
Ingarden, R. (1989).  Ontology of the work of art : the musical work, the picture, the architectural work, the film. 342.
Dawkins, R. (1989).  The Selfish Gene. 352.
Höffe, von. Otfried (1988).  Den Staat braucht selbst ein Volk von Teufeln. Universal-Bibliothek. 8507, 174.
Finnegan, R. (1988).  Literacy and Orality: Studies in the Technology of Communication.
Frith, S. (1988).  Why Do Songs Have Words?. Music for Pleasure: Essays in the Sociology of Pop. 105-128.
米歇爾, 傅柯. (1988).  傅柯:論何謂啟蒙?. 思想集刊. 1, 13-35.
黃, 光國. (1988).  儒家思想與東亞現代化.
康德, 伊曼努. (1988).  康德:答何謂啟蒙. 思想集刊. 1, 1-12.
周, 天瑋. (1988).  蘇格拉底與孟子的虛擬對話──建構法治理想國.
Deleuze, G., Guattari F., & A Plateaus T. (1987).  Capitalism and Schizophrenia.
Latour, B. (1987).  Science in Action.
Fichte, J. Gottlieb (1987).  The Vocation of Man.
焦, 循. (1987).  孟子正義. (沈, 文倬., Ed.).
Kirk, R. (1986).  The Conservative Mind. ACLS Humanities E-Book.
Parfit, D. (1986).  Reasons and Persons.
