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Monaghan, J., & Just P. (2000).  Social and cultural anthropology : a very short introduction.
Honneth, A. (2000).  Suffering from Indeterminacy: An Attempt at a Reactualization of Hegel's Philosophy of Right: Two Lectures.
Eaton, M. M. (2000).  A Sustainable Definition of “Art”. Theories of Art Today. 141–159.
Diderot, D. (2000).  Thoughts on the Interpretation of Nature.
Scanlon, T. (2000).  What we owe to each other.
劉, 述先. (2000).  儒家思想意涵之現代闡釋論集.
Smith, A., & 亞當 史斯密. (2000).  國富論. 財經系列.
德勒茲, 吉勒., & Deleuzel G. (2000).  德勒茲論傅柯.
釋, 僧肇., 黃 錦鈜., & 蔡 纓勳. (2000).  新編肇論.
索恩, 布萊安., & Thorne B. (2000).  羅傑斯-人本心理學派代言人. 178.
楊, 芳枝. (2000).  評「從流行歌曲看台灣社會」. 新聞學研究. 195-9.
Rancière, J. (1999).  Dis-agreement : politics and philosophy.
Arendt, H. (1999).  The Human Condition.
Benjamin, W., & Arendt H. (1999).  Illuminations. 267.
Höffe, O. (1999).  Immanuel Kant: Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der Rechtslehre. Klassiker Auslegen. 19,
Pojman, L. (1999).  Life and Death: Grappling with the Moral Dilemmas of Our Time.
Frazer, E. (1999).  The problems of communitarian politics : unity and conflict. 279.
Murdoch, I. (1999).  Sartre: Romantic Rationalist.
Rawls, J. (1999).  A theory of justice.
徐, 復觀. (1999).  中國人性論史(先秦篇).
Hesiod, H., & 赫希 俄德. (1999).  工作與時日‧神譜.
瞿, 汝稷., & 吳 相洲. (1999).  指月錄.
Lukacs, G., 盧 卡奇., & 杜 章智. (1999).  歷史與階級意識∶關於馬克思主義辯證法的研究. 漢譯世界學術名著叢書.
遠藤, 周作., & 林 水福. (1999).  深河.
林, 正弘. (1999).  白馬非馬.
Adorno, T. W. (1998).  Aesthetic Theory.
Peirce, C. S. (1998).  Chance, Love, and Logic : Philosophical Essays.
Sandel, M. J. (1998).  Democracy's discontent : America in search of a public philosophy. 417.
Etzioni, A. (1998).  The essential communitarian reader. 323.
Sandel, M. J. (1998).  Liberalism and the limits of justice. 231.
