Art and intention : a philosophical study | 哲學新媒體


Art and intention : a philosophical study

  • 難度
    作者(群): Livingston, Paisley
    出版社: Clarendon Press
    ISBN: 0199278067
    出版年份: 2005
  • Do the artist's intentions have anything to do with the making and appreciation of works of art? In 'Art and Intention', Paisley Livingston develops a broad and balanced perspective on perennial disputes between intentionalists and anti-intentionalists in philosophical aesthetics and critical theory.

    1. What are intentions? –

    2. Intention and the creation of art –

    3. Authorship, individual and collective –

    4. Intentions and oeuvres –

    5. Texts, works, versions (with reference to the intentions of Monsieur Pierre Menard) –

    6. Intention and the interpretation of art –

    7. Fiction and fictional truth.