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de Beauvoir, S. (2013).  第二性.
柏, 拉圖., & Plato P. (2013).  《米諾篇》《費多篇》譯注.
Honneth, A., & 王 旭. (2013).  自由的權利.
Honneth, A. (2013).  自由的權利.
臺大哲學系事件, 調查小組. (2013).  臺大哲學系事件調查報告.
陳, 俊斌. (2013).  臺灣原住民音樂的後現代聆聽:媒體文化、詩學/政治學、文化意義.
梁, 光耀. (2013).  藝術終結:論丹托的藝術哲學.
西田, 幾多郎., & 黃 文宏. (2013).  西田幾多郎哲學選輯. 352.
馬, 持盈., & 王 雲五. (2013).  詩經今註今譯. 619.
牟, 宗三. (2013).  道德的理想主義(修訂版).
宮西, 達也. (2013).  霸王龍繪本集:教孩子認識愛.
Barrett, W. (2013).  非理性的人.
Ringer, F., & 簡 惠美. (2013).  韋伯學思路:學術作為一種志業.
Weber, M., & 張 旺山. (2013).  韋伯方法論文集. 720.
de Castro, E. Viveiros (2014).  Cannibal Metaphysics: For a Post-Structural Anthropology.
de Montaigne, M. (2014).  The Complete Essays of Michel De Montaigne.
Young, J. (2014).  The death of God and the meaning of life.
Von Hayek, F. A. (2014).  Denationalisation of Money: The Argument Refined.
Huizinga, J. (2014).  Homo Ludens : A Study of the Play-Element in Culture.
Surprenant, C. W. (2014).  Kant and the Cultivation of Virtue.
Olson, J. (2014).  Moral error theory : history, critique, defence.
Young, J. O. (2014).  The Poverty of Musical Ontology. The Journal of Music and Meaning. 13, 1-19.
Descartes, R. (2014).   The Principles of Philosophy.
Althusser, L. (2014).  On the reproduction of capitalism.
Althusser, L. (2014).  On the Reproduction of Capitalism: Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses. 288.
Laclau, E. (2014).  The rhetorical foundations of society.
Lin, P., Abney K., & Bekey G. A. (2014).  Robot Ethics : The Ethical and Social Implications of Robotics.
Dainton, B. (2014).  Self: Philosophy in Transit.
溫柏格, 大衛. (2014).  TOO BIG TO KNOW.
Wittgenstein, L. (2014).  Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus: German and English. 208.
