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Fletcher, J., & Benjamin A. (2012).  Abjection, Melancholia and Love : The Work of Julia Kristeva.
Beardsley, M. C. (1981).  Aesthetics : Problems in the Philosophy of Criticism.
Berkeley, G. (2011).  Alciphron or: The Minute Philosopher A Defence of the Christian Religion against the So-called Free-thinkers.
Rancière, J. (2011).  Althusser's Lesson.
Badiou, A. (2007).  Being and event.
Benatar, D. (2008).  Better Never to Have Been : The Harm of Coming into Existence.
Barthes, R. (2006).  Camera Lucida : Reflections on Photography.
Berlin, I. (2013).  The Crooked Timber of Humanity : Chapters in the History of Ideas.
Booth, M. W. (1981).  The Experience of Songs.
Schlick, M. (2012).  General Theory of Knowledge.
Benjamin, W., & Arendt H. (1999).  Illuminations. 267.
Badiou, A. (2005).  Infinite Thought.
Baldus, M. (2016).  Kämpfe um die Menschenwürde: Die Debatten seit 1949.
Berlin, I., & Harris I. (2002).  Liberty.
Barthes, R. (1972).  Mythologies.
Aristotle, 亞里斯多德. (2009).  The Nicomachean Ethics.
Benjamin, W. (2009).  The Origin of German Tragic Drama.
Voltaire, F. (1984).  Philosophical Dictionary.
Baradat, L. P., & Phillips J. A. (2016).  Political ideologies : their origins and impact.
Machiavelli, N. (2008).  The Prince.
Baumann, J. (1968).  Programm für ein neues Strafgesetzbuch.
Lin, P., Abney K., & Bekey G. A. (2014).  Robot Ethics : The Ethical and Social Implications of Robotics.
Baird, R. M., & Rosenbaum S. E. (2004).  Same-sex marriage : the moral and legal debate.
de Beauvoir, S. (2011).  The Second Sex.
Chatelet, E. Du (2009).  Selected Philosophical and Scientific Writings.
Ringel, S., & Brandell J. R. (2011).  Trauma: Contemporary Directions in Theory, Practice, and Research. SAGE.
Deleuze, G., & Guattari F. (1996).  What Is Philosophy?.
巴特勒-鮑登, 湯姆., & Butler-Bowdon T. (2019).  一次讀懂哲學經典.
Benjamin, A., & 班傑敏 艾莉. (2022).  了不起的波力.
Bakewell, S. (2023).  人文主義的追尋.
